Media and communication research


Media and communication research

ME.DOK (Media–History–Communication) journal of media and communication studies invites researchers to publish their work in the following field of interest: Digital Culture and New Media.

 Theoretical or historical descriptions of the above mentioned subject, empirical research studies and case studies are accepted.

 The best essay will be rewarded with a 1000 RON prize.

 The editorial office reserves the right to waive the award in the absence of quality applications.

 ME.DOK uses the so-called double blind peer review system to evaluate studies. 

By using this system, we strive to exclude personal considerations and judge all articles solely from a professional perspective. Our peer review policy can be consulted on the following link:

 Papers written in Hungarian, Romanian or English are to be submitted to the following email address: [email protected]

 Before submitting your paper please consult the submission guidelines for authors on the following link:

 Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 31 March 2022

When submitting your paper, please mention that the paper is sent as a response to the above mentioned call.